Cafe Karla - State College, PA

Cafe Karla is a small coffee shop on the back side of a professional building.  I have been meaning to try it for a while since it was walking distance from where I work.  When my wife pointed out that the special today was a Reuben I knew it was fate that I eat there today. 

The board listed the sandwich with the ingredients.  It came with a pickle and some chips.  I ordered a cup of chipotle cheese soup to go with it.  I had a choice with the chips of either the standard bagged fair, or I could have some of the home made chips.  These potato chips are made by a local Amish family and sold at the farmers' market.  It is amazing how great something as simple as potato chips can be.  Or how transcendently awesome they can become with good ingredients and care.

On to the sammich.  The obvious thing that hit was was that it was grilled in a panini press.  I am a big fan of the traditional griddle so I was a bit put off by this at first.  After tasting it though I think it is an passable substitute.  After biting into it, I found the true star of the sandwich was the corned beef.  This is not sliced deli corned beef but a thick chunks like you would see served with potatoes and cabbage for St Patrick's Day (or perhaps sauerkraut and homemade potato chips).  The sauerkraut was a bit mild and I didn't taste the Russian dressing.  There was a slight mustard taste to it that I am not certain about.  All in all it was a great sandwich for a cold day.  

Rating. 4 of 5

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